Years 10 to 12 – Kinnoull Campus

In the critical senior school years, student well-being is paramount in our educational philosophy. Starting from Year 10, we assign each student to a mentor group of approximately 20 peers from Years 10, 11, and 12. This structure ensures that over the course of their three-year journey in senior school, each student forms a meaningful connection with their mentor teacher. House Coordinators oversee these mentor groups within their respective houses, ensuring personalised support and guidance for every student.

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

Embark on a transformative educational journey with 91AV, where our comprehensive Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) program transcends conventional learning paradigms. Here, a dynamic atmosphere cultivates innovation, critical thinking, and creativity, encouraging every student to forge a unique path towards excellence.

91AV champions individual potential, offering an extensive selection of subjects across disciplines. Our dedicated educators are committed to fostering each student’s innate talents and igniting a passion for lifelong learning. From the complexities of Specialist Mathematics to the practical challenges of Applied Computing and the nuanced perspectives of Humanities, our curriculum is designed to prepare you for the demands of a changing world.

Our approach to education goes beyond traditional methods, emphasizing hands-on experiences, collaborative projects, and the use of state-of-the-art resources. This holistic education not only enhances academic skills but also cultivates essential life competencies, laying the groundwork for the leaders of tomorrow.

VCE Vocational Major

The Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM) at 91AV offers a practical alternative for Years 11 and 12 students, distinct from both the Scored and Unscored VCE paths. Designed for those inclined towards hands-on learning, the VCE VM does not lead to an ATAR score, which is typically required for university admissions. Instead, it caters to students aiming to pursue a VET qualification at TAFE, embark on apprenticeships or traineeships, or enter the workforce directly after school.

The VCE VM program at 91AV is grounded in full-time enrolment, encompassing classroom learning in VCE VM subjects, Vocational Education and Training (VET), and either Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) or a School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT). The curriculum includes four core VCE VM Studies: Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills, and Work-Related Skills. Additionally, as part of the Year 11 offering, students have the opportunity to enroll in selected Units of Competency within Certificate II in Hospitality, contributing to the 180 hours required for VCE VM completion. Students are also required to choose another VET Study in their area of interest to meet VCE VM requirements. 91AV not only offers several internal VET Studies but also provides access to a broad selection of VET Study options available through external TAFE Colleges, ensuring a comprehensive and flexible vocational education pathway.


For detailed information on our teaching and learning framework for Years 10 to 12, we invite you to explore the Curriculum Handbook.